Saturday, September 25, 2010

"I finished my homework before dinner!"

Allright, I give, there are some children out there who love school and are organized. They excell at many things, including homework. Then, there are the rest of them. The social part of school is what they love, the work part - not so much! How many of us have fought and grumbled our way through our child's homework with them for hours on end some evenings, just to have the child come home the next night, with more practice work, telling us they STIILL don't understand what they are to do. Is it time for some perspective?
Real India

Real India is about giving an education to children who would otherwise not have any formal training. These children are among the poorest of the poor, without opportunity. Real India gives these children school supplies, uniforms, sometimes food and pays for their tuition. There is no free education in India. Without an education, most of these children will end up begging, prostituting, and digging through garbage dumps for a living. Check it out with your blessed, educated kiddos. Perhaps you can make a difference in the life of someone who dreams of being educated.

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